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WINTER SALE NOW ON! | 25% OFF ALL WHITE STUFF, SEASALT & CREW CLOTHING | Free Shipping on all UK orders over £50
WINTER SALE NOW ON! | 25% OFF ALL WHITE STUFF, SEASALT & CREW CLOTHING | Free Shipping on all UK orders over £50

Living Nature Soft Toys

Buying eco-friendly gifts for a child who loves nature can be tough, especially when the latest must-have toys are all made from natural resource-heavy plastic. But green toys for animal lovers do exist, and they're right here in the Living Nature range. 

Made with a passion for wildlife, our range helps kids and adults alike learn more about the diverse species that share our planet. Plus toys with the Naturli leaf tag are filled with recycled post-consumer PET plastic to create the perfect gift for little eco warriors and grown up greenies alike. Plus, they'll love their new friend so much they'll keep it forever, making your choice even more eco friendly.